Boolean SAT(isfiability)
and Optimisation

Charles Gretton

Why are we learning about the SAT decision problem?

  • AI Planning is solved OPTIMALLY using SAT
  • Optimisation is how SAT can be solved\(\ldots\)

What's the (SAT) problem?!

Propositional Logic

  • Alphabet of propositions \(\cal P\)
    • \(\cal P\) is finite set \(\{p, q, r, \ldots\}\)
    • e.g. let \(p=\)"Charles is talking now"
  • \(p \in {\cal P}\) is called an atomic expression
  • Terms \(x,y, \ldots\) can be general expressions
  • Expressions via binary infix connectives:
  • \(\begin{array}{c|c|c} x \land y & x \lor y & x \to y \end{array}\)
  • And otherwise our unary prefix connective:
  • \(\begin{array}{c} \text{Written either as }\;\lnot x \;\text{, or sometimes we write}\; \overline{x} \end{array}\)

Modelling Relation \(\models\) called "Double Turnstile"

Let \(\alpha\) be an truth assignment for \({\cal P}\)
We write \(\alpha \models x\) if \(\alpha\) satisfies expression \(x\)

\(\begin{array}{rllcl} \alpha & \models p & \text{iff} & \alpha(p)=\top\\ \alpha & \models \lnot x & \text{iff} & \alpha \not\models x \\ \alpha & \models x \land y & \text{iff} & \alpha \models x \; \text{and} \; \alpha \models y \\ \alpha & \models x \lor y & \text{iff} & \alpha \models x \; \text{or} \; \alpha \models y \\ \alpha & \models x \to y & \text{iff} & \alpha \not\models x \; \text{or} \; \alpha \models y \\ \end{array} \) Language with \(\{\land, \lor, \lnot\}\) is complete for Boolean functions

The Boolean SAT(isfiability) Problem

Given expression \(x\) determine if \(\exists \alpha\) s.t. \(\alpha \models x\)

A literal is a proposition \(p\) or its negation \(\overline{p}\)

A disjunctive clause is a disjunction over literals - e.g. \((p_1 \lor \overline{p_3} \; )\)

Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) expression is conjunction of disjunctive clauses:

DIMACS CNF Interpretation/Expression

			p cnf 3 2
			1 -3 0
			2 3 -1 0
\(\begin{array}{l} \text{CNF problem with 3 propositions and 2 disjunctive clauses}\\ (p_1 \lor \overline{p_3} \; ) \\ \land (p_2 \lor p_3 \lor \overline{p_1} \;) \end{array}\)

How do you solve it?!

The Boolean SAT(isfiability) Problem

\({NP}\)-complete - Generally below approaches have exponential worst case runtime

Approach Optimisation Complete Syntactic Gist
SLS✘\(^1\)Local Search
DPLLSystematic Search
CDCLDPLL with Inference
1some exhibit approximately complete behaviour

How do you resolve?!

J. A. Robinson 1965

Year "Satisfaction" was recorded by Otis Redding...

Resolution - Rule of Inference

The Rule:

\(\begin{array}{c} \text{premise, admits resolving on}\;p \\ \hline \textsf{resolvant}\; \text{is a new disjunctive clause} \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{c} (x \lor p) \land (\overline{p} \lor y) \\ \hline (x \lor y) \end{array}\)

Resolution - Refutation Proof

Proof of \(\nexists \alpha\) s.t. \(\alpha \models x\)

\(\circ\) Let \(x\) be a CNF; Write \(c_i\in x\) for clause \(c_i\) in \(x\)
\(\circ\) \(c\land c'\vdash_R c_R\) says \(c_R\) is a resolvant of \(c\) and \(c'\)
\(\circ\) \(\pi = \langle c_1,c_2, ..., c_m \rangle\) is a resolution refutation
\(\;\; \circ\) \(c_i\in x\) or \(c_j\land c_k\vdash_R c_i\) where \(j,k < i\)
\(\;\; \circ\) \(c_m=\{\}\), contains no literals, is unsatisfiable

Resolution of \(\text{PHP}^3_2\)

The Problem - \(\text{PHP}^3_2\)

c1\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \blacksquare & & \\ \hdashline \blacksquare & & \\ \end{array}\) c2\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & \blacksquare & \\ \hdashline & \blacksquare & \\ \end{array}\) c3\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \blacksquare \\ \hdashline & & \blacksquare \\ \end{array}\)
c4\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \square & \square & \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\) c5\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \square & & \square \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\) c6\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & \square & \square \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\)
c7\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline \square & \square & \\ \end{array}\) c8\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline \square & & \square \\ \end{array}\) c9\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & \square & \square \\ \end{array}\)

\(L_1\) - Resolvants - \(\text{PHP}^3_2\)

c14\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & \square & \\ \hdashline \blacksquare & & \\ \end{array}\) c15\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \square \\ \hdashline \blacksquare & & \\ \end{array}\) c17\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \blacksquare & & \\ \hdashline & \square & \\ \end{array}\)
c18\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \blacksquare & & \\ \hdashline & & \square \\ \end{array}\) c24\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \square & & \\ \hdashline & \blacksquare & \\ \end{array}\) c26\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \square \\ \hdashline & \blacksquare & \\ \end{array}\)
c27\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & \blacksquare & \\ \hdashline \square & & \\ \end{array}\) c29\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & \blacksquare & \\ \hdashline & & \square \\ \end{array}\) c35\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \square & & \\ \hdashline & & \blacksquare \\ \end{array}\)

\(L_1\) - Resolvants - \(\text{PHP}^3_2\)

c36\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & \square & \\ \hdashline & & \blacksquare \\ \end{array}\) c38\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \blacksquare \\ \hdashline \square & & \\ \end{array}\) c39\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \blacksquare\\ \hdashline & \square & \\ \end{array}\)

\(L_2\) - Resolvants - \(\text{PHP}^3_2\)

\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & \square & \blacksquare \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline \blacksquare & & \square \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & \blacksquare & \square \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\)
\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & \square & \blacksquare \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline \square & \blacksquare & \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & \blacksquare & \square \\ \end{array}\)
\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline \blacksquare & \square & \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \square & \blacksquare & \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline \square & & \blacksquare \\ \end{array}\)

\(L_2\) - Resolvants - \(\text{PHP}^3_2\)

\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \blacksquare & \square & \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \square & & \blacksquare \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \blacksquare & & \square \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\)

\(L_3+\) - The Proof - \(\text{PHP}^3_2\)

\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \color{red}{\blacksquare} & & \\ \hdashline & \color{red}{\square} & \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} \color{red}{\square} & & \\ \hdashline & & \color{red}{\blacksquare} \\ \end{array}\) \(\vdash_R \begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & \color{red}{\square} & \color{red}{\blacksquare} \\ \end{array}\)
\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \color{red}{\square} \\ \hdashline & \color{red}{\blacksquare} & \\ \end{array}\) \(\vdash_R \begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \square \\ \hdashline & & \blacksquare \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \color{red}{\blacksquare} \\ \hdashline & & \color{red}{\blacksquare} \\ \end{array}\)
\(\vdash_R \begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & & \blacksquare \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{ccc} \centerdot & \centerdot & \centerdot \\ \end{array}\) \(\vdash_R \begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & \blacksquare & \\ \end{array}\)

\(L_3+\) - Finally - \(\text{PHP}^3_2\)

\(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & & \color{red}{\blacksquare} \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & \color{red}{\blacksquare} & \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & \color{red}{\square} & \color{red}{\square} \\ \end{array}\)
\(\vdash_R \begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & & \square \\ \end{array}\) \(\vdash_R \begin{array}{c:c:c} & & \\ \hdashline & & \\ \end{array}\) \(\begin{array}{ccc} Q. & E. & D. \\ \end{array}\)


DPLL: Search with Unit Propagation


Concept of Unit Propagation (UP)

\(\circ\) Let \(x\) be a CNF and \(\ell\) a literal
\(\circ\) We define \(x\downharpoonright\ell=x'\)
\(\;\; \circ\) \(\forall c\in x\) s.t. \(\{\ell, \overline{\ell}\} \cap c \equiv \emptyset\) we have \(c\in x'\)
\(\;\; \circ\) \(\forall c\in x\) s.t. \(\ell \in c\) we have \(c\not\in x'\)
\(\;\; \circ\) \(\forall c\in x\) s.t. \(\overline{\ell} \in c\) we have \(c \backslash \overline{\ell} \in x'\)
\(\;\; \circ\) \(x'\) only contains the inclusions above

\(\circ\) Denoted \({UP}(x)\), iteratively until fixpoint:
\(\;\; \circ\) For unit \(\{\ell\}\in x\) apply \(x\downharpoonright\ell\)


		bool DPLL(set:Clause x)
		  // Simplify formula with Unit Propagation
		  while ( p <- x && pure(x,p) )
	            // i.e. All occurences of p in x have same parity
		    x=UP(x /\ {sign(p,x)p});
		  // Occurrences of each proposition have same parity
    if (consistent_set(x)) return true; // SAT
		  // Empty disjunctive clause cannot be satisfied
		  if ( c <- x && |c| == 0 ) return false ; // UNSAT
		  // i.e. proposition selection heuristic
		  return DPLL(x /\ {p}) || DPLL(x /\ {-p});
DPLL and tree-like resolution are polynomially equivalent (i.e. at refutation)

Have you learnt nothing?!

the naughties -
lifelong learning and microcredentials


bool CDCL(set:Clause x,list:Literal D=[], set:Clause LC={})
  if ( {} <- UP(D /\ LC /\ x) ){
    if ( D == [] ) return false; // UNSATISFIABLE
    c = CONFLICT (D /\ LC /\ x);
    m = assertion_level(c, D);
    D = D[:m];
    LC = c /\ LC;
  } else {
    if ( RESTART ) D=[];
    l=select_literal(D /\ LC /\ x);
    if ( NULL == l ) return true; // SATISFIABLE
CDCL polynomially simulates general resolution (i.e. at refutation)

Are there degrees of satisfaction?

Yes, lots of them\(\ldots\)

as explored by
Stochastic Local Search (SLS)

SAT as Optimisation

  • Let \(\alpha\) be an assignment to all propositions in \(x\)
  • \[\mathbf{f}(\alpha,c) = \bigg\{ \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & \text{if} & \alpha\models c\\ 1 & \text{if} & \alpha\not\models c \end{array} \] \[\mathbf{V}_x(\alpha) = \sum_{c\in x} \mathbf{f}(\alpha,c) \]
  • Objective is to minimise unsatisfied clauses
  • \[\min_\alpha \mathbf{V}_x(\alpha)\]

SAT as Optimisation - The Approach

  • Initially: \(\alpha\) is arbitrary
  • \[[010100110100000101000100]\]
  • Flip the parity of one truth assignment in \(\alpha\)
  • \[[010100110100000101010100]\]
  • Continue to flip greedily until \(\mathbf{V}_x(\alpha)=0\)
    • Or heat death of the universe \(\ldots\)

Is there any SAT software to play with?

Dagster - A Hybrid HPC SAT Solver

  • Communicating CDCL and SLS processes
  • Scheduled parallel solving of subproblems
  • Solutions communicated with orchestrator
  • Designed for difficult and/or big problems
  • Learn more from our tutorials

What is (Theoretically) More Powerful?

Cutting Planes Proofs!

Exposition here follows that of M. Vinyals, 2016

Cutting Planes Proofs - \(a,b,c\) are scalars

  • Axioms
    \(\frac{}{p\geq 0} \;\; \frac{}{-p \geq -1}\\\)
  • The Addition Rule
    \(\frac{\sum a_i p_i \geq a \;\; \sum b_i p_i \geq b}{\sum (a_i + b_i)p_i \geq a + b}\\\)
  • The Division Rule -- i.e., \( \lceil p \rceil\), 'ceiling', rounds up
    \(\frac{\sum a_i p_i \geq a}{\sum (a_i / c) p_i \geq \lceil a/c \rceil }\\\)
  • Sequential proof seeks: \(0 \geq 1\)

PHP Example

  • \(p_{ij}\) if pigeon \(i\) occupies hole \(j\)
  • Derive: \(\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} p_{ij} \leq 1\), equiv. \(\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} - p_{ij} \geq -1\)
    \({\small -p_{11} - p_{21} \geq -1 \;\; -p_{11} - p_{31} \geq -1 \;\; -p_{21} - p_{31} \geq -1 } \)
    \(-2p_{11} - 2p_{21} - 2p_{31} \geq -3\)

    \(-p_{11} - p_{21} - p_{31} \geq -1\)
  • Proof is available as:
    \(\{\sum_{j=1}^{n} p_{ij} \geq 1 \}_{i=1}^{n+1} \;\; \{\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} -p_{ij} \geq -1 \}_{j=1}^{n}\)

    \(0 \geq 1\)

Pseudo-Boolean Optimisation by Example

An Asset Mix and Assignment Problem


Notation and Propositions

Tasks: \(f, g\); Asset: \(a\); Asset Type:t

\(V_a\) :: asset \(a\) is used
\(P_{fg}\) :: task \(f\) precedes task \(g\) on some asset
\(P_{af}\) :: schedule for asset \(a\) starts at task \(f\)
\(D_f\) :: task f is scheduled
\(D_fV_a\) :: task \(f\) is scheduled on asset \(a\)
\(T_{tf}\) :: task \(f\) is serviced with an asset of type \(t\)
\(C_{fgt}\) :: profit scheduling \(f\) and \(g\) on asset type \(t\)
\(C_{aft}\) :: profit for asset \(a\) of type \(t\) starting at \(f\)


\(\sum_{f}P_{af}-V_{a}=0\) :: asset used iff scheduled
\(\sum_{f}-P_{af}\geq -1\) :: assets starts once
\(-D_{f} + \sum_{v}P_{vf} = 0\) :: task once as a successor
\(-D_{f} + \sum_{a}D_{f}V_{a} = 0\) :: task assigned once
\(-D_{f} + \sum_{g}-P_{fg} \geq 0\) :: task once as predecessor
\(-P_{fg} + D_{f} \geq 0\); \(-P_{fg} + D_{g}\geq 0\)
\(f\) scheduled with \(g\), then its scheduled.
\(-P_{fg} - D_{g}V_{a} + D_{f}V_{a} \geq -1 \);
\(f\) scheduled with \(g\) are served by one \(a\)

More Constraints and Objective

\(-T_{tf} + \sum_{a:[t(a)=t]}(D_{f}V_{a}) = 0\)
\(f\) served by one \(a\) of type \(t\)
\( - T_{tg} - P_{fg} + C_{fgt} \geq -1 \) ; \(P_{fg} - C_{fgt} >= 0\)
To incur a profit \(C_{fgt}\)


\(\min\sum_{vgt}( -\$_{vgt} C_{vgt})\)

Find Smallest Ramsey Coloring

  • Consider undirected cliques
  • \(E = \{(x,y) | x,y\in V, x\neq y\}\)
  • A Ramsey Coloring Satisfies:
    • There are no monochromatic triangles.
    • Every non-monochromatic triangle appears everywhere it can.
    • \(\;\;\forall i \in \text{im}(c)\forall (x,y)\in E \;s.t. \;c(x,y)=i\), \(\;\;\forall jk\in \text{im}(c) \; s.t. \; |i\cup j \cup k|>1 \), \(\;\;\exists z\in V \;s.t.\; c(x,z)=j \land c(z,y)=k\).
  • Problem: Find a smallest Ramsey coloring.

Get Dagster - A SAT and #SAT Solver

		  git clone

(Optional) Build a Container

...this will take time...

		 docker build --no-cache -t milthorpe/async-neighbours .

(Optional) Run the Container you Built

		  docker run -it --mount src=`pwd`,target=/home/appuser,\
		                    type=bind milthorpe/async-neighbours

Build Dagster SAT and #SAT Solver

		  cd dagster
		  make -j 16
		  cd .. # Back to the root folder

Build Relaxed Coloring Problem Generator

  • There are no monochromatic triangles.
  • Every non-monochromatic triangle appears at every vertex.

		  cd Benchmarks/ramsey

Make 2-Color Problems for Cliques of size N=4,..,10

  • The 'map' file is interpretation of propositions
  • The 'cnf' file is problem clauses/constraints
  • ALERT: some symmetry breaking

		  for i in {4..10} ; do
		      ./generate_ramsey_NM -N $i -M 2 2> ramsey.M2.N$
		                                       > ramsey.M2.N$i.cnf 
		      mv dag_${i}_2.dag ramsey.M2.N$i.dag
		  cd ../../ # Back to the root folder

Find Cliques with SAT Solver

		  cd dagster
		  for i in {4..10} ; do echo $i ;
		      mpirun -n 4 ./dagster -m 0 -e 1 \
		             ../Benchmarks/ramsey/ramsey.M2.N$i.dag \
		      if [ $(cat dag_out.txt | wc -l) -gt 0 ] ; then
		          mv dag_out.txt ramsey.M2.N$i.sol

Take Inventory of the Outputs

		  ls ramsey.*

		  ramsey.M2.N4.sol  ramsey.M2.N5.sol

Look at Smallest Candidate - Is this Ramsey?

		  for f in `cat ramsey.M2.N4.sol | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v ^-` ; do
		      cat ../Benchmarks/ramsey/ | grep :\ $f\ -

		  MAPPING: 2 -> v2 x v3 = c1
		  MAPPING: 4 -> v1 x v3 = c1
		  MAPPING: 5 -> v0 x v3 = c0
		  MAPPING: 7 -> v1 x v2 = c0
		  MAPPING: 10 -> v0 x v2 = c1
		  MAPPING: 11 -> v0 x v1 = c0

Look at Other Candidate - Is this Ramsey?

		  for f in `cat ramsey.M2.N5.sol | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v ^-` ; do
		      cat ../Benchmarks/ramsey/ | grep :\ $f\ -

		  MAPPING: 2 -> v3 x v4 = c1
		  MAPPING: 4 -> v2 x v4 = c1
		  MAPPING: 5 -> v1 x v4 = c0
		  MAPPING: 7 -> v0 x v4 = c0
		  MAPPING: 9 -> v2 x v3 = c0
		  MAPPING: 12 -> v1 x v3 = c1
		  MAPPING: 13 -> v0 x v3 = c0
		  MAPPING: 15 -> v1 x v2 = c0
		  MAPPING: 18 -> v0 x v2 = c1
		  MAPPING: 20 -> v0 x v1 = c1

Keep learning!

\(\rightarrow\star\)Co-Lab Honours Grant\(\star\leftarrow\)
\(\rightarrow\star\)Apply ASAP for PhD @ ANU\(\star\leftarrow\)
\(\rightarrow\star\)CSIRO (\(\psi\rho\)) AI4Missions\(\star\leftarrow\)
\(\rightarrow\star\)Data61 PhD\(\star\leftarrow\)
\(\rightarrow\star\)\(\psi\rho\) Next Generation Graduates Program\(\star\leftarrow\)
